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【the GazettE LIVE TOUR2023 -MASS- / PHASE 03 "LAST MILE"】About facial photo registration

【About facial photo registration】

If you are an overseas member, please proceed from the page below to register your face photo.

(1)Enter your ID and password to log in.
(2) When you log in, your ticket-pla registration information will appear. If the contents are correct, please press the "次へ Next".

(3) Switch to face photo registration. Press inside the frame to select the photo you want to register. Photos can be up to 2MB in size.

(4) After selecting the photo, press the "顔写真を編集する Edit face photo".

(5) When you press the button, a blue human-shaped line will appear. Use the + button to make the photo larger or the - button to make it smaller, or adjust it to fit this size. After completing the adjustment, press the "登録する Register".

(6) When the registration is completed, the screen changes to the registration completion screen.

From this page you can see if the photo is under review or has been reviewed.